Saturday 8 September 2007

Our Week in London (23rd - 30th July)

Hi Fans,

London here we are - Mummy took us down to the Big Smoke for a week with Lesley & Steve and plenty of sightseeing. Mummy was particularly excited as she said it's been years since she was in London and she/we were going to play the typical tourist and boy did we.

Lesley & Steve have a brilliant flat conveniently located in The Tea Trade Wharf right next to Tower Bridge, so we were excellently placed for a week of sightseeing. In our week we went on the London Eye (Mum says this was the best), saw the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Downing Street, Buckingham Palace & Changing of the Guard, St Paul's Cathedral, Trafalgar Square, Tower Bridge of course, Mummy went around the Tower of London on her own while Auntie Lesley looked after me. We also shopped and found some wonderful markets - Greenwich, Spitelfields and Mummy's favourite Borough Market where she and Lesley had a flat white coffee, and saw Tom Parker-Bowles (stepson of Prince Charles) filming a TV show, I did try to get in on the action though but they weren't impressed with my Prince Charles impressions, of course at all the markets mum visited goods were purchased.... And whilst we were out & about we even managed to find a few of Banksy's 'street art' for Daddy.

And thanks to Auntie Lesley & Uncle Steve, Mummy & I had a fantastic time in London we couldn't have asked for more, even the weather was fab, food and drink was ace and that was just at the flat never mind the eateries we went to too. Mummy loved London she thought it was ace especially around where Lesley & Steve live. Hooray for London

Still more to come - Daddy joins us in the UK and there's my Christening too.

Cheerio for now - Love Ruby xxx

PS - I forgot to say this week at Lesley's I learnt how to get myself from a laying position to sitting up all by myself.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello my dears!
Glad to see your London snaps up there... They bring back lots of lovely memories. :o)

Hope you have overcome the jet lag and that you have managed to catch up with your little buddies Ruby. Lots of Love Lesley. x